5 Ways To Crush a Cornhole Slump

5 Ways To Crush a Cornhole Slump

I Hate This Game, I Quit!

Those are words I have muttered many times and you yourself, probably have done the same. Lets face it, when you are in a cornhole slump, it sucks! We all get frustrated playing cornhole to the point where we say we hate it and want to quit but we really don't mean that. 

I mean. how can you throw "lights out", every bag in the hole one day and the next day you can't even hit the board? And usually it doesn't stop there, it continues for days, maybe weeks. It's called a slump and everyone experiences it from time to time.

The causes of a slump

Ok, so you are going through a slump. Just know, you’re not alone. Everyone does at some point, from beginners to pros. And not just cornhole, every sport. All sports have top athletes that go through slumps. In fact, I doubt there is any one person on this earth that can give 100% to their game 100% of the time. It's just not possible. Stuff that affects us mentally such as our jobs, money, family life, stress, whatever is occupying your mind other than the one thing you should be focusing on can throw your whole game off. These are some of the major causes of a cornhole slump.

Let's look at a star running back rushing for an all time high of 200 yards in one game and then the very next week, he can't even get off the line of scrimmage. He is probably in a slump. He has other things on his mind and can't give 100% focus on the one thing he needs to be doing right now. But he doesn't quit. He gets back out there day after day, practice after practice until he eventually he rises above and out of that slump. 

Rising up from a slump

So now we know things that can cause a cornhole slump and that everyone goes through them at some point. So the next question is how to overcome the cornhole slump you are in. As stupid as it sounds, you pretty much have to go back to basics. I mean, at this point you are willing to try anything to get your game back on track, right? So, I guess we need to get to the root of the problem.

With that being said, do you have something on your mind that is preventing you from focusing on your game? Get in a fight with your significant other, family member or friend? Money, life, stress, work-related, whatever, take the time to focus on that and get it taken care of first. Trust me, it is important that when you are playing cornhole you are focused on playing cornhole.

I can tell you from my own personal experience that when I am heading out to play cornhole and my wife is harassing me for playing “too much cornhole” (as if there’s a thing), it throws my whole game off. Cornhole will still be here when you get your problems resolved, I promise. Cornhole is growing and not going anywhere!

5 tips on how to get out of that cornhole slump

Don’t overthink it - A majority of the time, a cornhole slump is not due to improper mechanics or a physical deficiency. More often than not, poor performance starts with your thoughts and visualization before you even step up to the boards to throw. You are your own worst enemy. 
Get Back to Basics - Make sure your throw is exactly the same as it you always do. Make sure you are not turning your wrist before releasing the bag or not following through. Whatever way you threw before the slump, make sure you are still doing it now.
Practice - Keep practicing. But more importantly, practice like you play! Don’t just throw airmails if your a slide-game person. If you slide, then practice the slide. At least until you get out of your cornhole slump.
Work Hard - Hard work is the best remedy for a lot of problems. Ensure that hustling is always a top priority in both practice and games. Just because you may or may not be in a slump does not give you an excuse to drop your head and lollygag. 
Use The Proper Equipment - Make sure the bags you are using feel good in the hand. If you need new bags, we have them! And let’s talk about the hand, is it sweaty? Are the bags sticking to your hand and not releasing at the right time? Maybe you need to look into getting a Cornhole Glove? You can read all about them here or purchase one on the site.

Need bags?

Don't worry, you will be out of your cornhole slump and back to playing good before you know it. And, you are going to want to look good so check out our t-shirts and hoodies. And if you are not currently a member of the ACL, hit up their website and let them know we sent you!



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