Negativity Breeds Negativity No doubt, cornhole is a mental game and we are going to help you dominate! Someone once told me, it is easier to pull a man down the ladder then help him up the ladder. I have been in a terrible slump, until last night. Probably the worst slump I’ve ever been in since I learned how to throw a flat bag eons ago. I couldn’t do anything right. From 3 off the back, 1 on the board, missing wide open shots for easy points, to missing the board by 2 feet. My opponents joked that I could win a farthest from the hole contest. The other night while playing $5 cash games, my neighbor, the tumbler took $70 and a set of bags off me. Each and every time I got on the boards things just seemed to get worse and worse. Show up to league and go 1-12, one more rung down the ladder. It got so bad, I stopped setting up the boards to practice. Heck, I didn’t want so show face at league night and worse yet, I lost the motivation to write articles for Cornhole Addicts as those were...